Explore York Logos

Tourism Grant Logo Formats and Guidelines: 

The Grantee shall follow the logo guidelines when designing advertising (print or digital) or communication pieces.

To promote collaboration and the overall destination, Grantee shall include the Explore York logo in all print and digital media as it relates to the awarded grant project. Explore York requests drafts of any printed materials and publicity about the grant project be emailed in advance of printing or distribution to Melissa@YorkPA.org

Logo Guidelines:

  • A white box surrounding the logo should not appear when using the Explore York logo
  • The logo should have a buffer or clear space around it to maintain legibility and visual impact.

Digital Media:

  • The Explore York logo must be included on electronic media with a link to the YorkPA.org website.
  • Online/web communication should utilize the .png formatted logo.

Print Media:

  • Smaller sized printed material should utilize the .png formatted logo.
  • Large print material and vector-based artwork should utilize .eps formatted logo. Vector-based artwork is scalable and must be used when producing large format pieces, such as, building signs, trade show banners, window displays, vehicle wraps, and billboards. While the size of the logo can be scaled larger, it must retain its proportions. The logo should always be proportionate to the rest of the project.

Video Media:

  • Video media should utilize the .png or .eps formatted logo.
  • The logo should appear as the last frame in a size large enough to make it and the "YorkPA.org" easily readable by a viewer.
  • Preferably the logo should hang on the screen for a minimum of three seconds.

The Explore York logo can be downloaded below.

Explore York & Destination Brand Combined Logo

EY & Destination Brand Logo White - PNG

EY & Destination Brand Logo Color - PNG